Saturday, September 15, 2007

Substitute Teaching Improvement Act

Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ) has just introduced a bill to the House of Representatives. This new bill is called the Substitute Teaching Improvement Act (aka HR 3345).

HR 3345 will do the following:

1. Establish a program to increase the effectiveness of substitute teaching through a comprehensive training program.
2. Ask the Secretary of Education to authorize demonstration funds for the purpose of training substitute teachers.
3. Evaluate what training programs are most effective for the training of subs.

HR 3345 will provide training in:

a) classroom management
b) effective teaching strategies that address students needs and styles
c) teacher professionalism
d) educational laws and issues; e.g. Liability for subs.
e) best practices for recruiting subs
f) preparing students for subs; and
g) proper planning and follow-up for subs.

HR 3345 is THE MOST promising piece of legislation for substitute teachers in years because it'll actually provide funds to train substitutes to do an even better job with the young people they're responsible for. This is something we subs have always asked for - TRAINING!

In order for this bill to pass it MUST come out of the commitee to the House or it will die.Every substitute MUST phone, write, E-Mail their representative and ask them to support this bill!

Please DON'T let it die!!! Only you can get the message out. If everyone does this then we might have a chance.

Please contact your local representative and all those sitting on the Education and Labor Committe to help push it through. CLICK HERE to view the bill.


Anonymous said...

As a substitute, I feel this is a bad idea. First, leaving aside the fact that the 9th and 10th Amendments leave education to the states and not the federal government, consider the bureaucracy and redundancy this will create.

As a recent graduate of a MA in Teaching program, I would not be happy having to endure redundant training in classroom management and so on. As a licensed teacher with a recent MA in the field, I feel this is a one-size-fits-all approach. Let the states and districts regulate their own substitutes. The state I'm in is doing just fine with out the broken federal government's "help" (like NCLB).

I for one would not trust anything to Washington DC. The federal government has run us trillions of dollars into debt and is giving tax payer money to private banks and Wall Street investment firms. The ramifications of this education bill passing are far reaching. More bureaucrats will be hired. More corporations will profit.

I'm writing my representatives to ask them to reject this bill and reject more federal meddling in the rights of individual states to set their own standards for teachers.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.